+49 152 09582603, +49 711  25518704

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Do you want to learn a new language or improve your existing foreign language skills? Then MultiTaskers is the right place for you!

MultiTaskers is a young, modern and dynamic language teaching institute with its headquarters in Stuttgart, Baden-Württemberg.
Our teaching methods are modern, evidence-based, sustainable and individually tailored to the wishes and needs of our learners.

Language Offered

Why choose


Lessons with 100% student engagement

Our lessons are a quest in which everyone participates with interest and pleasure. They are also looking forward to the next lesson. After all, only interest can give motivation to learn new things.

Modern teaching methods

Teaching today on boring textbooks by rote learning new words is doomed to failure! Only by keeping up with the times, we can remain in demand both in ordinary life and in professional life. Unique materials and author’s methods are the basis of lessons at our school.

Experienced teachers with specialized education

A teacher is a guide to the world of knowledge. Our team includes professionals with pedagogical education and more than 10 thousand hours of practical work. A teaching diploma is an understanding of the basics of age psychology and the ability to properly build a lesson.

Why choose


The main thing we will teach you is how to speak a foreign language

Speaking is considered to be one of the most difficult aspects to achieve. You can learn a language for years and still not speak it. We guarantee that with us you will speak in your first lessons!

Explanation of new material in an interactive form

Our lessons are a quest in which everyone participates with interest and pleasure. They are also looking forward to the next lesson. After all, only interest can give motivation to learn new things.

Proper lesson structure

The lesson structure takes into account all 4 aspects of learning a foreign language – speaking, listening, reading and listening comprehension. The timing of the lesson is based on the psychological age norms of attention concentration.


Learning a foreign language is like riding a bicycle, the main thing is to start!


The emphasis is on communication between the student and the teacher. Repeated

repetition of basic constructions leads to their quick memorization!


We use the foreign language we are studying in 85% of cases.


We use textbooks with a worldwide reputation, dozens of different types of materials, interactive platforms, etc.


New material is presented in a game form with exciting tasks. At the same time, serious grammatical constructions are studied. This approach makes it easy to memorize new material.


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Client’s Testimonial

Яна Теплова
Яна Теплова
Смотрела уроки немецкого с Кристиной. Супер! Как будто реально там на уроках. Очень запоминается и используются разные техники, что не скучно.
Подобається навчання німецькій мові. Все чітко і доступно.
Nick Waldmann
Nick Waldmann
I had the best experience with MultiTaskers- They were friendly, punctual, and got the job done!
alexander putko
alexander putko
Best language course of my life
Eugene Kholostenko
Eugene Kholostenko
Ich habe einen Deutschkurs A1.1 bei Lehrerin Victoria belegt. Das ist für mich eine positive Erfahrung. Hochwertige Ausbildung und eine besondere Herangehensweise. Es hat mir sehr geholfen. Danke. Ich empfehle es jedem
Романская Наталья
Романская Наталья
Добрий день! Займалася з викладачем Сірою. Заняття побудовані доволі цікавим образом з використанням платформи Miro. Заняття проходять без яскраво вираженого акценту на якомусь одному нюансі (тобто враховано і грамтику, і розмову, і сприйняття на слух). Надзвичайно задоволена цим курсом! Протягом всього терміну навчання мотивація не зникла, тому готуюсь до нової зустрічі та радо буду вчити щось нове)Окрема подяка викладачеві Сірі за її креативну роботу і турботливе ставлення до кожного учня та дуже цікаві домашні завдання. Qué tengas un buen dia!
Mars Mars
Mars Mars
Я очень благодарна Christine Session за прекрасный курс по немецкому языку . У меня перед приходом на курсы был нулевой уровень. Но благодаря этим курсам у уровень стал выше .
Елена Харлан
Елена Харлан
Susanna ist super!
Елена Кметь
Елена Кметь
Дуже сподобались уроки. Все доступно роз'яснюють. Дякую за таку можливість вчити німецьку мову

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